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Angie Gray

Empowering.  Inspiring. Authentic.

Keynote Speaker & Workshop Leader




Women’s Organizations

Educational Organizations



Youth Mentoring Groups

Colleges & Universities

Community & Civic Organizations





About Angie…

Angie Gray is a highly sought after speaker, mentor and coach dedicated to helping Christian women and adolescent girls discover their God-given purpose, live life more abundantly and fulfill their divine destiny.  


Angie has invested over twenty years of her professional life as a School Counselor dedicated to helping urban children learn to effectively navigate the challenges of childhood and adolescence.  It is in this role that she initiated Young LADIES of Promise, a mentoring program for adolescent girls.


Most recently, Angie is following her passion for empowering women by founding PEARLS4LIFE,LLC,an organization dedicated to helping women embrace wellness and wholeness in womanhood using a holistic approach of mind, body, soul and spirit.  Angie is committed to vitalizing women to find love, peace, and joy, while pursuing life more abundantly.


Angie completed her doctoral studies in Christian Life Coaching and Mentorship from Trinity College of the Bible & Theological Seminary. She holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Grand Canyon University and in Counselingfrom Rowan University.  Her Bachelor’s Degree is in Communications/ Psychologyfrom Glassboro State College (now Rowan University).


Angie and her husband are co-founders of Brighter Horizons Empowerment Services,LLC and reside in New Jersey with their four daughters. Known to her fellow church family as “First Lady Gray”,Minister Angie Gray is a member of her church’s ministerial team. 




Angie’s Background: Speaker, Coach, Mentor, Counselor, Event Coordinator/Planner, Trainer & Facilitator

For over twenty years, Angie has provided personal and professional development programs for schools, social service agencies, associations, organizations, colleges/universities, civic groups and churches.


Angie has taught college level leadership courses as an Adjunct Professor and facilitated workshops and seminars for women and adolescent girls.  She served as Glassboro State College’s first Admissions Office Recruiting Ambassador, travelling and speaking to audiences of an average size of 1,110 potential students and their parents.  


Angie has served as a Career Awareness Event Coordinator for over ten years, annually making approximately 100 professional leaders in vocations and careers accessible to students for the purposes of career awareness and exploration.  


Angie has received numerous accolades including being selected as the 2015 Educational Service Provider of the Year, 2006 Educator of the Year, KYW 1060 News Radio Award and the prestigious Gannett National Journalism Award, to name a few.


Angie has spoken on many topics including, Developing Positive Routines, Suicide Prevention, Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers, Dealing with Depression, Overcoming Loss and Disappointment, to name a few.


Angie has served as Assistant Church Administrator, Ministry Events Coordinator, Director of Women’s Ministry, Christian Life Coach, Christian Counselor, Chief School Administrator, Director of Education, Adjunct Professor, School Counselor, Classroom Teacher, Consultant, Trainer, Facilitator, Family Preservation Worker, and Family Therapist.  

Angie’s Most Popular Speaking Topics

Developing Positive Routines for Your Children

Assisting parents with venues to open lines of communication with their children and how to support them in finding solutions to adolescent problems and concerns


Harnessing Healthy Habits

            Assistance with replacing bad habits with positive habits that increase productivity 


Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals 

            Setting Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound goals


A Million Reasons to Live: Suicide Prevention

            Real talk about suicide and how it can be prevented


Not Easily Broken: Overcoming Pain, Disappointment & Trauma

         Growing and moving forward in spite of and despite of disappointment and misery


Leaving Loss  & Grief Behind

            Resiliency, bouncing back and moving forward and recovering from loss and grief


Transforming Your Life

            Strategies for Moving from Where You Are to Where You Want To Be


Embracing Wellness & Wholeness in Womanhood

            Examining Your Life from a holistic approach of Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul 


Discovering Your Purpose, Passion and Plan

            How to discover your purpose using God’s plan and your passion, gifts & talents


All speaking engagements are customized to meet the specific needs of the occasion.



What Clients Are Saying About Angie…

“Angie has always been there for me spiritually and emotionally.  She truly helped me get through one of the toughest times in my life by reminding me that God is always in control and "all is well." ~ Stacy, NJ


“I thank God for Angie, my sister in Christ.  She has supported me in my spiritual, personal and professional growth.  I appreciate her motivating, encouraging words on a daily basis.” ~ T. Barnes, NJ


“I am truly inspired by First Lady Gray’s genuine, loving spirit. The fruits of her spirit and labor are evident in her dedication to ministry and her persistent encouragement for others to know, love, and serve God wholeheartedly.  Her performance is executed in humble service, which demonstrates her heart for, and relationship with God.  First Lady Gray is a woman of purpose and self-discipline. She is the epitome of a virtuous woman exhibiting devoted support to her Pastor and husband, family, and church family.  I recognize and appreciate her quality of character exhibited through her diligence, consistency, faithfulness, and deeds of excellence.  I honor her for being a real Godly woman whose example is certainly one to be emulated!” ~ Cathy Arnold, PA


“Angie is a wonderful woman that devotes her time and effort to helping others.  She has been a mighty blessing in my life.  She has been there for me when I was at my lowest point and has fed me the Word of God.  She lifted and encouraged me to become a stronger woman and a better mother for my child! “ ~ Angelique G., NJ


Angie’s Speaking Style




Angie will deliver practical content in an audience-friendly manner.  Real Talk, Real Issues, Real Success, Real Strategies for Real Women!!! Angie seeks to meet all of your motivational needs. If you desire to have a workshop or seminar that has practical application and undeniable impact, Angie Gray is who you need. Angie is an awesome speaker and presenter. Her presentations have encouraged and empowered women all over the nation. Once you hear her, you will be ready to cut through the minutia and pursue your passion and purpose! Choose this dynamic keynote speaker for your next conference, workshop or training event and you will not be disappointed.





Angie’s Speaking Fees…


Speaking Fee Schedule


  • $500 Panel Participation (up to 90 minutes)

  • $1,000 Virtual Workshop via Webinar or Teleseminar (up to 90 minutes)

  • $2,000 Workshop or Breakout Session (up to 90 minutes)

  • $3,000 Keynote or Plenary Session (up to 90 minutes)

  • $4,000 Keynote or Plenary Session plus ONE Breakout Session (save $500)

  • $5,000 Keynote or Plenary Session plus TWO Breakout Sessions (save $1,000)


Your Investment Includes

  • A personal phone consultation with Angie prior to your event

  • Planning time, including conference calls with meeting organizers

  • Development of customized, interactive content to meet your specific event objectives

  • Development of a customized handout or worksheet, if applicable

  • Development of a customized, interactive PowerPoint presentation, if applicable

  • Delivery of the presentation




Angie’s Speaking Policies…

Payment Policy

A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the speaking fee holds the date when you book an engagement. Your event will not beconfirmed until the deposit has been paid. The deposit payment may be made via check or credit card. You may reschedule a date due to unforeseen circumstances if the rescheduled date you seek is available.  Thebalance is due on the day of the program.

Travel Expense Policy

In addition to Angie’s speaking fee, reasonable travel expenses are charged to your organization. Theseexpenses may include round-trip airfare, lodging, ground transportation, parking and/or meals. Travelarrangements can be made directly by your organization (typically the more economical option) or Angiemay be reimbursed for these expenses following the engagement.


You may wish to provide additional resources to your attendees to help them stay inspired long after theevent is over. Workbooks can also be developed for workshops.  Copies of Angie’s popular books and programs are available at a volume discount if youpurchase them in advance for your attendees.  Additionally, Angie’s programs and resources can also be made available for individual sale to attendees (i.e. a table in the back of theroom). 






Contact Angie

for Your Speaking Engagement Needs


During your phone consultation, Angie will learn about the desired objectives for your event, conference, or training. Together, you will be able to assess the best speaking or workshop topic(s) for your group and confirm whether Angie is available on the date of your event.

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